Thanks for sharing what's going on with you, Rachel! I appreciate the vulnerability. It's hard to say: hey guys, I need to actually NOT work on the novel right now. I'm really glad you are listening to your doctors and taking care of yourself. If you're anything like me, that can be really hard sometimes! I read Sacred Rest last year. Another book in that vein that meant a lot to me was The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, which is all about the principle of Sabbath and applying it practically to every part of life. It's one of those rare books that has measurably changed my life. Cheering you on - Levi
Thanks for the kind words and well wishes, Levi! Taking some time off has been hard but much needed. And I appreciate the feedback on the spoken word poetry! It was really interesting to have to go back and evaluate how I perceived love, when, and why. Purity culture was definitely something that inspired that particular part of the poem.
Thanks for sharing what's going on with you, Rachel! I appreciate the vulnerability. It's hard to say: hey guys, I need to actually NOT work on the novel right now. I'm really glad you are listening to your doctors and taking care of yourself. If you're anything like me, that can be really hard sometimes! I read Sacred Rest last year. Another book in that vein that meant a lot to me was The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, which is all about the principle of Sabbath and applying it practically to every part of life. It's one of those rare books that has measurably changed my life. Cheering you on - Levi
Also, thank you for sharing the Spoken Word Poetry. All around great piece. I was particularly struck by the concept of love being weaponized.
Thanks for the kind words and well wishes, Levi! Taking some time off has been hard but much needed. And I appreciate the feedback on the spoken word poetry! It was really interesting to have to go back and evaluate how I perceived love, when, and why. Purity culture was definitely something that inspired that particular part of the poem.